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Sorting Arrays in JavaScript


Exploring the commonly used code snippet and its functionality

In JavaScript, sorting arrays is a common operation when it comes to manipulating and organizing data. Sorting allows us to arrange the elements of an array in a specific order, making it easier to search, compare, or present the data in a meaningful way.

The sort() Method

he sort() method is a built-in JavaScript function that is commonly used for sorting arrays. It operates directly on the array and modifies its original order. The syntax for using the sort() method is as follows: array.sort(compareFunction), where array is the array to be sorted and compareFunction is an optional parameter that defines the sorting logic.

Default Sorting Behavior

By default, the sort() method sorts the elements of an array based on their string representations. It converts each element to a string and compares the Unicode values of the characters to determine the sorting order. This default behavior may lead to unexpected results when sorting numbers, as they are treated as strings and sorted lexicographically.

Custom Sorting Logic

To sort an array based on a specific criterion, such as numerical order, we can provide a compare function as an argument to the sort() method. The compare function takes two elements as parameters and returns a negative value if the first element should be sorted before the second, a positive value if the first element should be sorted after the second, or 0 if the elements are considered equal.

Sorting Numeric Arrays

When sorting arrays containing numbers, a common approach is to use the compare function to compare numeric values directly. For example, array.sort((a, b) => a - b) sorts the array in ascending numerical order, while array.sort((a, b) => b - a) sorts it in descending order.

Sorting Arrays of Strings

For arrays of strings, the default behavior of the sort() method is usually suitable. It sorts the strings alphabetically in ascending order. To sort in descending order, we can modify the compare function accordingly, such as array.sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a)).

Sorting Arrays of Objects

When sorting arrays of objects, we can customize the compare function to compare specific object properties. For example, array.sort((a, b) => - can be used to sort objects based on a numeric property in ascending order.

Question: Which code snippet is commonly used for sorting arrays in JavaScript?


A. sort()

B. filter()

C. map()

D. reduce()

Correct Answer: A. sort()

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